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Patricia Lambert PhotoPublic Health Focus/Interests:

Instructor Lambert focuses on global comparative healthcare, public health case studies, maternal child health, and introduction to public health.








Master of Science, Nursing, Nursing Administration and Public Health
Madonna University, Livonia, MI

Master of Arts, Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Bachelor of Science, Nursing
College of St. Catherine, Saint Paul, MN


Public Health Courses Taught:

PH 101: Introduction to Public Health
HM 491: Culture and Health in Japan
PH 836: Comparative Global Healthcare
PH 872: Global Public Health in Action
PH 873: Maternal and Child Health


Professional Experience/Expertise:

International experience in study abroad programs in Japan, Ireland, New Zealand and Mexico

Clinical experience in psychiatric nursing, and public health

Teaching experience in public health, nursing education, higher education administration, and healthcare systems

Administrative experience in higher education, nursing education, and online education

Visiting Professor at the Japan Center for Michigan Universities in Hikone, Japan for the Health and Culture in Japan Program

Consultant for online teaching and learning


Professional Activities or Current Research:

Member of the American Public Health Association

Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Brady and APHA Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence