
Carol Parker PhotoPublic Health Focus/Interests:

Carol Parker is the associate dean for administration, assistant dean for program evaluation and continuous quality improvement, executive director for academic affairs, and director of continuing medical education. Dr. Parker joined the College of Human Medicine in 2005 and, in addition to her current roles, has directed the Lansing area graduate medical education consortium, and a statewide health information exchange and executive director for academic affairs. In addition, Dr. Parker has served in a number of interim roles at the college's request including director of the MPH program, CEO of Flint Area Medical Education corporation and community assistant dean in Flint and Lansing. 

Dr. Parker has a diverse background including assessing student progress, health professions workforce policy, patient safety training for medical residents, stroke quality metrics, and health information exchange organizations and their role in clinical research including the ability to inform transitions of care for stroke patients. 

Throughout her career, Dr. Parker has worked to increase training opportunities for health professionals in medically underserved communities. Her areas of interest include program evaluation, continuous curricular quality improvement efforts, assessment methodologies/implementation and interventions to reduce the impact of unconscious bias on access to care and health outcomes.



Doctor of Philosophy, Epidemiology, 2016
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Master of Public Health, 1997
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Bachelor of Arts, Linguistics, 1993
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI


Public Health Courses Taught:

PH 101: Introduction to Public Health 


Professional Experience/Expertise:

Executive director of Academic Affairs with MSU’s College of Human Medicine

Director of Continuing Medical Education with MSU’s College of Human Medicine

Learning Society Fellow with MSU’s College of Human Medicine, working with first and second year medical students using a small group, problem based learning methodology

Intersession co-director for one of the four required intersessions for first-year medical students (Health Systems Complexities and Patient Vulnerabilities) and has taught in many courses for CHM legacy and Shared Discovery Curriculum including Applications of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (EPI 547), Health Policy Module (HM 547), Integrative Module (HM 547), Epidemiology/Evidence Based Medicine Intersession, and Public Health Intersession

2015 – Present Reviewer for the following journals: International Journal of Medical Informatics, International Journal for Health Policy and Management, Applied Clinical Informatics

2001 – Present Michigan Health Council

Board of Trustees (01-04 Member, 04-09 Secretary of the Board, 09-11 President-Elect, 11-13 President, Past-President 13-present)

2015-2017    MSU College of Human Medicine Curriculum Committee

Subcommittee Chair, Creation of new Master’s Degree option

2012 – 2014       Axolotl User Group Strategic Initiatives Committee

2012 – 2014       Michigan Health Information Network

Member, Board of Directors and MiHIN Operations Advisory Committee

2005 – 2013       Michigan Health Policy Forum Planning Committee

2006 – 2012       Michigan Center for Health Professions

2006 - 2011        Michigan State University Curriculum Committee

Chair, University Curriculum Committee (2010-2011)

Member, Subcommittee A Committee and University Curriculum Committee

Ad hoc Member, MSU College of Human Medicine Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and Graduate Studies Committee

2008 – 2011        MSU Academic Council

Representative on behalf of the University Curriculum Committee

Representative on the Executive Committee of the Academic Council (2010-2011)

2007 – 2010       Michigan Public Health Association

2000 – 2010       National Public Health Association

1996 – 2009       Michigan Rural Health Association

Member, Board of Directors (98-01 Treasurer, 01-03 Chair; 04-2010 Treasurer)

2004 – 2009       Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Health Care Workforce

2006 – 2009       Capital Healthcare and Employment Council

2004 – 2005       Michigan Hospital Association’s Small and Rural Hospital Council


Recent Publications, Presentations:

Parker C, Reeves M, Weiner M, Adler-Milstein J. Health Information Exchange Organizations and Their Support for Research: Current State and Future Outlook. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision and Financing. 54:1-8.

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Gold J, DeMuth, R, Emery M, Ferenchik G, Laird-Fick H, Mavis B, Paganini A, Parker C, Sousa A, Wagner D. John Dewey Rediscovered: Putting Experience at the Center of Medical Education. Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA). Chicago, IL March 2017.

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Sleight D, Parker C, Berry A. Approaches to Academic Detailing in Two Community-Based Medical Schools Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting, November 11-15, 2016, Seattle, Washington.

Parker C, Adler-Milstein J. Safety of Health IT: Clinical case studies, Chapter 15 – Errors related to health information exchange.

Parker C, Weiner M, Reeves M. Health Information Exchanges - Unfulfilled Promise as a Data Source for Clinical Research. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 87 (2016): 1-9.

Wagner, D., Hoppe, R., Parker, C. The Definitive Guide to the OSCE: The Objective Structured Clinical Examination as a performance assessment. Case Study: Postgraduate Year 1 – Patient Safety OSCE. Harden, Lilley and Patricio, Elsevier Publishing. September 2015. Pages 302-305.

Parker C, Schwamm LH, Fonarow GC, Smith EE, Reeves MJ. Stroke Quality Metrics: Systematic Reviews of the Relationships to Patient-Center Outcomes and Impact of Public Reporting. Stroke. October 2011.

Wagner D, Parke C, Mavis B, Smith MK. An Interdisciplinary Infection Control Education Intervention: Necessary but not Sufficient. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. June 2011. 3(2): 203–210.

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Parker, C, and Reeves, M. Relationship Between Stroke Quality Metrics and Patient Outcomes: A Systematic Review, Quality of Care and Outcomes Research 2011 Scientific Sessions, May 12-14, 2011.

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Wagner, D., Parker, C., Mavis, B. and Members of the Lansing Patient Safety Initiative, The Infection Control Education Project:  Just the Tip of the ICEberg, AAMC Integrating Quality:  Linking Clinical and Educational Excellence meeting, forthcoming, June, 2010

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Parker, C., Wagner, D. and Members of the Lansing Patient Safety Initiative, Centralized Development of a Resident Patient Safety Curriculum, AAMC Integrating Quality: Linking Clinical and Educational Excellence meeting, June, 2010

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Parker, C., Wagner, D., and the Members of the Lansing Patient Safety Initiative, Centralized Development of a Resident Patient Safety Curriculum, forthcoming, RIME poster session, AAMC Annual Meeting, 2010

Reeves, Mathew; Parker, Carol; Fonarow, Gregg; Smith, Eric; and Schwamm, Lee. Development of Stroke Performance Measures: Definitions, Methods, and Current Measures. Stroke. July 2010.

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Wagner, Dianne; Parker, Carol; Mavis, Brian. “The Infection Control Education Project: Just the Tip of the ICEberg.” Oral Presentation. Michigan State University Graduate Academic Conference, East Lansing, Michigan, March, 2010.

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Kim, D., Mosher, B., Morrison C., Lee CP, Opreanu R, Stevens P, Moore S, Kepros J. “A Modern Analysis of a Historical Pediatric Disaster: The 1927 Bath School Bombing.” Oral Presentation. Michigan State University Graduate Academic Conference, East Lansing, Michigan, March, 2010.

Refereed Abstract Presentation/Publication: Kim, D., Mosher, B., Morrison C., Lee CP, Opreanu R, Stevens P, Moore S, Kepros J. “A Modern Analysis of a Historical Pediatric Disaster: The 1927 Bath School Bombing.” Oral Presentation. 2010 Fifth Annual Academic Surgical Congress, San Antonio Texas, February 2010.