


Megan Weemer PhotoPublic Health Focus/Interests:

Megean Weemer’s interests include school-based health promotion, particularly in physical activity, nutrition, and mental health, as well as public health pedagogy.  She aims to promote physical activity and healthy eating by examining the social ecological factors that influence these behaviors in children and adolescents, including environmental, social, and policy impacts. She is also interested in child and adolescent socio-emotional development, recognizing its role in long-term well-being. Her work focuses on program planning and evaluation to develop and assess evidence-based interventions that improve health outcomes in school settings.




Doctorate of Health Science, Health Promotion, 2018
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN

Master of Science, Teaching - Health Education, 2014
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb County, IL

Master of Science, Physical Education, 2000
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL

Bachelor of Science, Food, Nutrition & Dietetics, 1999
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL


Public Health Courses Taught:


  • PH 101: Introduction to Public Health

Other Institutions:

  • Design Strategies in Public Health
  • Monitoring and Evaluation in Public Health
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Health Behavior and Theory


Professional Experience/Expertise:

  • School-Based Health Promotion
  • Social Ecological in Health Behaviors
  • Program Planning and Evaluation


Professional Activities or Current Research:

  • Master Certified Public Health Specialist (MCHES)
  • Society for Public Health Education


Recent Publications, Presentations:

Weemer, M., Wodika, A. Social Emotional Learning and Preservice Teachers: Assessing Capacity to Provide SEL. The Journal of Research and Practice in College Teaching, 8(1).

Weemer, M., Jones, E., Lee, J., & Eberline, A. A framework for action: using the WSCC model to conduct school-based wellness assessments. The Physical Educator Journal

Jones, E., Weemer, M., Lee, J., Eberline, A., & Kybartas, T. Environmental constructs associated with school readiness to implement wellness. Health Behavior and Policy Review, Accepted February 2022.

Weemer, M., Wodika, A., Lanier, J., Bazan, C. Using the WSCC model to address COVID-19: A call to action for health and physical educators. The Illinois Journal, Fall 2021 Edition.

Weemer, M. & Ketner, M., Crecilus, S. Assessment of the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of parents regarding teen electronic cigarette use. Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Journal, March 2021. https://doi.org/10.18332/tpc/132225

Weemer, M. & Ayodele, A. Associations between physical fitness and academic achievement in a sample of Illinois high school students. The Physical Educator.

Levin, M., Shirley, C., & Weemer, M. (2024, October). Interact: Designing a mental health program for robeson county, North Carolina, to decrease adolescent anxiety and depression resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. [Poster Presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

Weemer, M., Ketner, M., & Hollender, H. (2024, March). Transformative Design: Integrating Trauma-Informed Approaches into Public Health Pedagogy. [Oral Presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the Society for Public Health Education, St. Louis, MO.

Ketner, M., Weemer, M., Hollender, H., Berlin, K., & Parry, T. (2023, October). Qualitative Exploration of Burnout among Marginalized Allied Health Faculty: Impacts on Well-being and Beyond. [Poster Presentation]. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE’s) Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Jones, E., Eberline, A., Kybartas, T., Lee, J., Weemer, M., Kostelnick, J., Calderon, S., Finan,

L., Meyers, A., & Wu, N. (2022, June). Collective action for school-wellness: An ecological example. [Conference presentation]. 2022 AIESEP World Congress, Gold Coast, Australia.